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Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!


Miss Waterhouse welcomes you to Class 3's page!


Here you will find work, exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and much more.




Have you visited the daily lessons on BBC Bitesize?



Class 3 Presentations


Class 3 have been working hard learning about information texts and the features that make up those texts. In groups, they created powerpoints on the Amazon Rainforest that included a contents and glossary slide along with slides on Amazon animals, Inca Empire and the dangers that the Amazon faces. They also added images, backgrounds and slide transitions and worked to decide who would read each part. They then presented their powerpoint to the rest of the class and all did a FANTASTIC job on their powerpoints and presentations.

Living Rainforest Trip


On Wednesday 5th June, Class 3 visited the Living Rainforest. They had a great time learning how plants and animals adapt to their environment of the rainforest and sharing all their knowledge that they have learnt about this area. Class 3 also loved trying to spot Cinnamon the sloth and seeing all of the other animals including poison dart frogs, birds, snakes, an armadillo and some caimans.

Design Technology - Adapting a biscuit recipe! December 2023

Science Investigation - Do all liquids behave the same? October 2023

Escape from Pompeii - making our very own Mount Vesuvius erupt! October 2023

Class 3 School Trip to St Alban's Roman Museum September 2023

Science Investigation - Do all liquids behave in the same way? October 2023

Lambing Trip to Stephen's Farm. We had so much fun!
