Welcome to our governors' webpage.
The purpose of the Governing Body is to uphold the school's aim to create a caring Christian environment, where pupils feel valued and develop a life-long love of learning.
Our school has strong links with St. Bartholomew's Church. The children often attend services at the church and the Reverend Jonathan comes into school every week to take assemblies, to speak with the children and to run the Thursday football club!
The governors themselves are a body of volunteers who support the school by providing executive and due diligence advice, challenge and support. In support of our excellent school staff, the main three roles of the governors are:
1. Strategy - to help ensure that the school has a clear vision and strategy.
2. Review - resources are managed well and the school is meeting its statutory duties
3. Ensure accountability for the quality of education - by receiving regular reports from the head, asking questions and making termly visits.
To work effectively, we link governors to a subject or a particular aspect of the school such as Special Education Needs and Disability or Early Years. These governors work on behalf of the whole governing body to gain detailed knowledge of their liked area and in supporting and challenging the subject co-ordinator to drive progress and new initiatives.
We are committed to listening to and understanding the views and needs of our pupils and their parents. Some of the ways that we do this are through annual parent questionnaires, annual pupil questionnaires and several informal coffee mornings/meetings throughout the year. These help us to gain the views of the whole school community and enable the community to contribute to the development of the school.
Contacting the Governors
All of the governors welcome your comments and questions and can be contacted at chair@stbarts.herts.sch.uk. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you wish to discuss any of the issues mentioned above. However, individual governors cannot provide an alternative route to voicing parental concerns. If you have a concern or a complaint which is specific to your child, your first port of call should be the class teacher. If the issue is of general concern, you should make this known to the Head teacher.
The minutes of the governors meetings are available from the school office.
Name | Category | Appointing Body | Committee Roles | Term of office | Pecuniary Interests |
Kelly Wall & Victoria Mowbray | Head teacher | Head teacher | Commenced 19/04/22 | Kelly undertakes tutoring locally | |
Keira Poland | St Alban's Diocesan Board of Education | St Alban's Diocesan Board of Education | People and Curriculum Committee | 24/11/23- 23/11/27 | None |
Vacancy | St Alban's Diocesan Board of Education | St Alban's Diocesan Board of Education | |||
Liane Nakar | Staff Governor | Staff | People and Curriculum Committee | 01/09/19-31/8/27 | None |
Rev Jonathan Gordon | Foundation | Ex-Officio | People and Curriculum Committee | 01/09/14 ongoing | Jonathan is also a governor at St Mary's Primary School, Northchurch. |
Vacancy | Foundation | St Bartholomew's Parochial Church Council |
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Vacancy | Foundation | St Bartholomew's Parochial Church Council | |||
Kathryn Carlisle | Foundation | St Bartholomew's Parochial Church Council | Co-Chair of Governor | 11/10/23 - 10/10/27 | None |
Vacancy | Foundation | St Bartholomew's Parochial Church Council | |||
Kelvin Reay | Parent | Parents | Chair of People and Curriculum Committee | 01/10/22 - 30/09/26 | None |
Ben Walters | Parent | Parents | Finance and Premises Committee | 09/09/21 - 08/9/25 | None |
Jennie Arthur | Local Authority | Local Education Authority | Co-Chair of Governor | 01/10/22 - 30/09/26 | None |
Interests include governance roles in other educational institutions, business and financial interests, material interests arising from relationships between governors, or relationships between governors and school staff.
Name | FGB Meetings attended | People and Curriculum committee | Finance and Premises committee | Position |
Kelly Wall | 5/5 | 3/3 | 4/4 | Co-Headteacher |
Victoria Mowbray | 5/5 | 3/3 | 3/4 | Co-Headteacher |
Charis Geoghegan | 2/3 | 3/3 | 4/4 | Chair of governors Resigned 24.5.23 |
Mark Burrage | 5/5 | 1/1 | 4/4 | Vice Chair of Governors & Chair of F&P committee until 25.5.23 Appointed Chair of Governors 25.5.23 |
Barbara Burch | 5/5 | n/a | 3/4 | |
Jennie Arthur | 5/5 | 3/3 | n/a | Chair of P&C committee |
Liane Nakar | 5/5 | 2/3 | n/a | |
Rev. Canon Jonathan Gordon | 3/5 | 1/3 | 0/0 | |
Ben Walter | 5/5 | n/a | 3/4 | |
Natalie Dean | 3/4 | 3/3 | n/a | Resigned 23.5.23 |
Michael Eggleton | 1/5 | 0/3 | n/a |
We have 2 committees. They meet once per term. One focuses on the people and curriculum of the school. The other focuses on the finance and premises of the school. Please see the work plans for these committees below.