We are offering a safe and stimulating environment for children to come to after school and before heading home. Our aim is to create fun and laughter whilst offering a variety of extended learning opportunities for all children of St Bartholomew’s School.
For the first hour the children can choose from the following options; physical activities to support gross motor development, colouring, Lego and board games which help children to learn to share, take turns and build social skills with children of all ages. This also helps our younger children to refine fine motor skills. They can use iPads or chrome books to access maths apps and specific games that help to further develop IT skills. Reading books are always available from the library and help is on hand should they need support with their homework. We have a selection of educational programmes if your child wishes to watch them. There are also opportunities for arts and crafts activities which are regularly linked to seasonal events including various religious celebrations.
Children attending before school will be given a breakfast of cereals, toast and fruit. Children staying until 4.30pm will be offered a fruit snack and those staying after 4.30pm will be given a light snack which is balanced to ensure that this is healthy and nutritious. Examples include pittas with vegetables sticks and dips, fruit and a choice of drinks.
After eating and depending on the weather, we take the children out to the playground where they can develop their physical development on the outside climbing equipment including the activity trail, or play a variety of sports such as football, basketball or tennis which help build team skills. If the children are inside they can use some gym equipment in the hall and participate in various PE on line sports options such as ‘just dance’ which is very popular and great for getting children active.
If you have any queries or to book a place in the after school provision please contact the school office who will be happy to advise you of the process and give you the necessary paperwork.
Breakfast Club
7.45am – 8.45am: £5.50 a session
Afterschool Club
3.15pm - 4.30pm: £5.50 a session
3.15 pm - 5.00pm: £8.00 a session
4.15pm – 5.00pm: £5.00 a session (after clubs)
Late fee - A fee of £10 will be charged to any child who has not been collected by 5pm (5.05pm – 5.59pm) and thereafter £20 per half hour.
Booking – Bookings can be made through our clubs booking system on the School Gateway where you can book, cancel and amend bookings up to 2.30pm the day before the session. Anyone attending the provision must complete a Registration form before starting at the setting. This must be completed for each academic year. Please email completed registration forms to wraparound@stbarts.herts.sch.uk.
Payment conditions – Payment must be made through the school gateway when you book your sessions. If you would prefer to pay using cash, we can provide you with a QR code to take to a PayPoint outlet. The wraparound provision policy is located here on our website, however, further information can be obtained from the school office.
**NEW Tax Free Childcare Payments ** - We are delighted that you can now pay for Wrap Club using the Tax Free Childcare Payments. St Bartholomew’s School is listed as a provider. Upon making your payment through the system, you will need to email the school office (admin@stbarts.herts.sch.uk) with details of your payment reference, and how you would like the amount to be split between breakfast club and after school club. Please note: the payment will not immediately show in your wrap club account as it will need to be reconciled to the bank. Please allow sufficient time prior to make a booking. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office.