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Forest School

Forest School


Forest school is an educational experience that allows learners to learn outside of the classroom. It gives them the opportunity to develop new skills and find new interests through hands on experiences in an outdoor environment. Forest School has the ability to develop a learner’s confidence and self-esteem.


The aim is for each activity to be achievable and engaging for every learner. These activities will run throughout the year with learners working with tools, learning through play, and engaging with new skills such as shelter and fire building.

Forest School Handbook

Forest School in Action

Forest School Clothing


Forest School takes place outside in all weathers, with only a few extreme exceptions. It’s important that all participants are dressed correctly especially in terms of dressing for the weather but also to protect them from insects, nettles, thorns and general scrapes. If participants are not dressed for the weather, it means that they may get wet, too cold or too hot and not want to fully engage in the session. This can also make them feel unwell.

It is also important that participants are not wearing their school clothes underneath their forest school clothes. Their school clothes may become wet, so they won’t have anything dry to put on when we get back. This is a rule that applies to all year groups throughout the year. Participants must bring in their school uniform or PE kit depending on what they have in the afternoon to change into after forest school.


Wet and cold weather clothing-

  • Thermal or long sleeve top
  • Jumper
  • Warm trousers or joggers
  • Body warmer- if your child does feel the cold
  • Warm, waterproof jacket
  • Hat, scarf, and gloves- waterproof gloves are very good and will protect your child’s hands when it is raining or snowing
  • Waterproof trousers or all in one waterproof suit- insulated ones are really good
  • Warm socks- either walking, thermal or think about possibly a couple of pairs of socks
  • Wellies or outdoor boots- remember wellies are quite cold shoes so think about what socks
  • they are wearing


Dry and warm weather clothing-

  • Long sleeve top
  • Jumper
  • Long trousers or joggers
  • Socks
  • Waterproof jacket- just in case the weather changes
  • Sun hat
  • Wellies or Trainers- they may get muddy
  • Remember sun cream as well


Top Tip- you can always take layers off, but you can’t put layers on if you don’t have them. Better to be too warm and be able to take something off than too cold!


Every child will be checked to make sure they are wearing suitable clothes and suitable clothing will be provided if needed and if we have it (we do not have an exhaustive stock).

If your child is not dressed appropriately for forest school, we will try our best to sort some suitable clothing or call the parents if time, but if we cannot resolve the clothing issue they may not be able to attend forest school.


Mountain Warehouse is a good site to look at for getting some of the clothing items mentioned above and quite often have some deals on. Talk to other parents/carers as well to seek further recommendations.
